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Freightnet Premium Member
Global directory of over 28,000 Freight
Forwarders ready to service your freight
and cargo transportation requirements.

 A matter of urgency?

 ... or is your point of pickup / delivery outside the normal, daily routes of distribution?
SPEDHIRE is an excellent choice for fast and safe transportation of smaller shipments and documents throughout Denmark and abroad.
SPEDHIRE can offer pickup and delivery of smaller shipments (up to 4 EUR pallets) on the same day all over Denmark at any time of the day except from Bornholm.
Delivery/pick-up on Bornholm can normally be done within appx 12 hours from rest of the country.
SPEDHIRE has specifically focus on suppliers and recipients of... - well, almost anything where there is a need for transport of smaller shipments. We can take all types of cargo from Dangerous Goods (ADR), weapons and machine equipment to foods and hanging garments.
SPEDHIRE can put up with a car and driver at short notice in case of illness or other absence. This also applies in case of a sudden peak.
This will assure that neither your business nor your customers will be affected by the situation.
SPEDHIRE can ensure customs clearance at ports, airports and borders.
SPEDHIRE has been cleared and certified as road carrier by the Public Danish Transport Authority (Trafikstyrelsen) and can take cargo to airports throughout Europe.
SPEDHIRE is ADR-certified in all classes and has permission from the Police to execute transportation of small arms, parts and ammunition.
You will receive personal service and care for your shipment from door to door.
Yours sincerely,
Jens Petersen
...your personal courier
PS: SPEDHIRE’s general terms and conditions apply in all respects and can be found here
Spedhire performs international and domestic transport according to the CMR Act unless otherwise agreed between the parties and to the extent the provisions of the Danish Legislation does not preclude this. .
The provisions of the CMR Act limit our liability for loss, deterioration or damage of goods to SDR 8.33 per kg gross weight.
Transit and delivery times are subject to weather and traffic conditions and any other factor, which Spedhire was unable to prevent and/or avoid the consequences of.
Significant exceedance of kilometers in relation to planned route due to closed roads, ferries and the like will be settled at half price. Other hence successive expenses are settled at cost.
Compensation for delay can never exceed the freight amount.

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